Connected Volume 3

«Connected – Medien & Informatik» is a publication series of teaching aids for school kids learning and understanding media and informatics within the Swiss «Lehrplan 21».

BD got commissioned by Lehrmittelverlag Zurich to create the illustrations and art-directing the design of the teaching aid books (volumes 1 – 4) beeing released until 2020. «Etage Est» again took care about the editorial design and realization.

This is «Connected» volume 3, it features 140 illustrated pages in color and a soft cover with a fifth silver color. With this publication, the Connected characters got introduced in a 3D rendered look. To promote the series BD created a stickersheet and sticker apps for iMessage and Whatsapp.

Stickers for iMessage & Whatsapp





Editorial Design & Realization




2017 to 2020