200 Jahre Walperswil

«200 Jahre Walperswil» village history exhibition and event promotion design for the municipality of Walperswil, Switzerland.

200 years ago, Bendicht Maurer, known as Wälti Benz, got himself into a hopeless situation: first he killed his wife, then he set fire to a large part of our village. You can find out exactly what happened that night and what other events shaped our village history in the exhibition «200 years of Füür u Flamme for Walperswil» in the multi-purpose hall in Walperswil. It is accompanied by a three-day festival program (30./31.08. & 01.09.2024) on the entire school grounds in Walperswil. Admission to all events is free.




Text: Gemeinde Walperswil, Rea Wittwer & Sandra Gurtner

Exhibition Board Illustrations: Nathan Tomaschett
